Neuro-Critical Care
Fantastic line-up of local and national speakers, focussing on advances in Neuro-critical Care

QEUH hosts MANIC Tracheostomy
Full day of hands-on cadaveric training relating to percutaneous tracheostomy practice

MANIC Airway Management in Intensive Care
Join an expert faculty as we explore bespoke airway scenarios, using simulation to discuss challenging decision making in the critically ill. Book via manicglasgow@gmail.com

Airway MAnagement in Intensive Care (MANIC) Course
Designed for doctors working in Anaesthesia, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.
High fidelity simulation course focusing on practical aspects of airway management.
High faculty to candidate ratio.
Bespoke scenarios individualised to candidate.

MANIC Percutaneous Tracheostomy Course
Designed for doctors working in anaesthesia and critical care.
Combination of lectures and practical skills sessions.
Use of cadaveric pigs allows the realistic practice of percutaneous tracheostomy in a safe environment.
Faculty made up of consultants in ICM and ENT.
A limited number of places
Cost £300

Infectious Disease Critical Care Meeting
- HIV and critical illness: an update
- Sepsis in drug users: an epidemiological perspective
- Fever in the returned traveller
- Preventing nosocomial infection on the ICU
- Epidemiology of Sepsis: what does big data tell us?
- Novel Diagnostics in Infection
- Host suceptibility to severe infection
- The personalised approach to sepsis
- Steroids and sepsis: the 2018 perspective
- Beta blockade in sepsis
- Antibiotic stewardship: preventing an impending disaster
- Fluids in sepsis: when, what and how?

Percutaneous Tracheostomy Course
A one day couse covering the theory and skills of percutaneous tracheostomy. Candidates will have the opportunity to practice skills on cadeveric animal models under the supervision of an experienced faculty.

Medical High Dependency Simulation Course
This course has been developed based on the General Internal Medicine curriculum and is aimed at doctors who are expected to cover high dependency areas out of hours. It will cover emergency and life-threatening presentations such as those see on a medical critical care/high dependency unit. Each doctor will have an opportunity to lead a team in diagnosing and managing a patient (a high-fidelity simulated mannequin).
The course is facilitated by critical care consultants and physicians who have a regular role in caring for patients in medical high dependency areas. There will be 4-6 participants per course. It runs from 9am until 5pm. Lunch, tea & coffee are provided.

Airway MAnagement in Intensive Care (MANIC) Course
Designed for doctors working in Anaesthesia, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.
High fidelity simulation course focusing on practical aspects of airway management.
High faculty to candidate ratio.
Bespoke scenarios individualised to candidate.

Medical High Dependency Simulation Course
This course has been developed based on the General Internal Medicine curriculum and is aimed at doctors who are expected to cover high dependency areas out of hours. It will cover emergency and life-threatening presentations such as those see on a medical critical care/high dependency unit. Each doctor will have an opportunity to lead a team in diagnosing and managing a patient (a high-fidelity simulated mannequin).
The course is facilitated by critical care consultants and physicians who have a regular role in caring for patients in medical high dependency areas. There will be 4-6 participants per course. It runs from 9am until 5pm. Lunch, tea & coffee are provided.

airway MANagement in Intensive Care (MANIC) Course
Designed for doctors working in Anaesthesia, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.
High fidelity simulation course.
Focusing on practical aspects of airway management in the critically ill.
High faculty to candidate ratio. Bespoke scenarios individualised to candidate.