Neurocritical Care
Oct. 2018
Glasgow Science Centre

Oct. 2018
Glasgow Science Centre
May 2018
November 2017
Acute Kidney Injury
Biomarkers in the diagnosis of acute kidney injury
The London AKI Network
Perioperative acute kidney injury
Update on Renal vasculitis
Renal transplantation
The nephrologist's view of transplants on the ICU
The surgeon's view of transplants on the ICU
Protecting the native kidney
Fluids and the kidney
The pathophysiology of oedema under the steady state Starling principle
The role of fluid excess in AKI
Pro-Con: This house believes the kidney to justifiably be used as a sacrifical organ in the critically ill
24th August 2017
Advanced Ventilation
Airway Pressure Release Ventilation
Neurally-adjusted Ventilatory Assist
Patient Ventilator Asynchrony
Ventilation Beyond the Hospital
Respiratory Disease on the Intensive Care Unit
Interstitial Lung Disease
Lung Transplant
Cystic Fibrosis and NIV
Advances in Pleural Medicine
Adjuncts to Respiratory Failure
The Future of Extracorporeal Respiratory Support
Chest CT Interpretation
Pro-Con: This house believes that the Intensivist who can ventilate effectively has no need for extracorporeal respiratory support.
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